International Air Freight & Cargo Services

International Moving7

Secure door to door overseas air services

International air freight

Air freight is a fast and cost-effective solution for moving critical items such as personal clothing, tools, files, office equipment and essential items. Many Grace clients choose to use air freight in conjunction with our international sea freight service.

Our security certified air freight removals service includes:

  • Conducting an in-home consultation to guide you through the moving process, including:
  • Evaluating any specialised packing requirements
  • Recommending an appropriate air shipment size
  • Determining the best airline schedule to suit your needs
  • Explaining transit insurance policies
  • Packing your belongings in accordance with international air freight standards.
  • Weighing and measuring your packed shipment
  • Ensuring your shipment safely clears customs
  • Facilitating payment of your airline terminal charges
  • Delivering and unpacking your shipment at your new overseas residence and disposing of any packing debris.

Grace provides safe and reliable air freight  services to all international destinations.

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