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Grace New Zealand Blog

Obtaining A Work Permit Or Visa

Moving to New Zealand for work? Here’s an overview of the current Immigration New Zealand (INZ) requirements. In a recent Grace Removals news post, we

Grace New Zealand Blog

Challenges Of Relocating To Europe

Is your business relocating to Europe? You wouldn’t be alone, according to a recent survey. The Cartus 2013 Trends in Global Relocation: Biggest Challenges survey

Grace New Zealand Blog

Education Is A Deal Breaker

For families relocating overseas for work, educating their children is a major concern. According to the Brookfield 2012 Global Relocation Trends report, children’s education ranked


Kiwis Don’t Know Their Neighbours

It seems Kiwis wanting to become Aussies, don’t know the culture as well as one would think. According to information released to Australian newspaper The

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